Daegu Safety Theme Park (대구시민안전테마파크)

Korea Tourist Attractions

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Daegu Safety Theme Park (대구시민안전테마파크)

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Daegu Safety Theme Park was established to provide citizens with education on safety measures in an emergency situation. The theme park has experience stations set up to demonstrate accidents one can encounter in their everyday life and provides an opportunity to exercise simulated safety drills. Noteworthy exhibition halls that provide practical and useful safety information include the Subway Safety Exhibition, Mountain Safety Exhibition, and Earthquake Safety Exhibition. All of the facilities throughout the park, including the exhibition halls and the safety education theater, are designed to emphasize the importance of safety.
Day off Mondays, January 1, the day of Seollal (Lunar New Year's Day) & Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving Day) Opening day
Experience guide Emergency situation simulation, safety drills, safety education videos, safety drill demonstrations, etc. Age of use Open to visitors age 6 & over
* Children ages 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult
Hours of use 09:00-18:00
* Hours subject to change. Check the website for details.
Ask • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-53-980-7770
Di sản Receive [Main Hall] 20 people per session / [2nd Hall] 10 people per session
Parking lot Available When should you use it?
Stroller rental none Pet none
Address 1155, Palgongsan-ro, Dong-gu, Daegu

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Admission Fees:Free Restrooms:Available Available Facilities:Safety Center, Subway Safety Experience, Living Safety Experience, 3D Video Hall, etc.

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