Sinsedong Chilcheung Jeontap - Sinsedong 7 stories Brick Pagoda (안동 법흥사지 칠층전탑)

Korea Tourist Attractions

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Sinsedong Chilcheung Jeontap - Sinsedong 7 stories Brick Pagoda (안동 법흥사지 칠층전탑)

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Designated National Treasure No.16, Sinsedong Chilcheung Jeontap is Korea's oldest and largest stone pagoda.
The pagoda measures 16.8 meters high with a x_width of 7.75 meters. The pagoda was originally built at Beopeungsa Temple during the eighth century of the Unified Silla Kingdom [654-935] and is the only remaining relic from the temple.
The pagoda is presently located on the estate of the head house of the Goseong Lee family. The sangryunbu, the ornamental top portion of the pagoda, has been totally lost, but the lower tiered portions are intact with beautiful carvings of Buddhist tutelary deity. Traces of tiled roof were found on each story of the tower. Historical records show that the tower was rebuilt in 1487 and that around the same period, three parts of the temple remained.
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(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-54-840-5225
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Address Beopheung-dong, Andong-si, Gyeonsangbuk-do8-1

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