Gyeonggi Cheonggyesa Temple (청계사(경기))

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Gyeonggi Cheonggyesa Temple (청계사(경기))

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Cheonggyesa Temple is a Buddhist temple near Baegunhosu Lake that became well-known as the site of udumbara flower, a rarity that blooms on Buddhist statues. Built during the Silla Kingdom, the temple offers many sights, including the Cheonggyesa Temple Monument, Geungnakjeon Hall, the bell tower, Samseonggak Shrine, Ksitigarbha Hall, and Gamnoji Pond. Among the many things to see, visitors should not miss a glimpse of the Bronze Bell of Cheonggyesa Temple and the Wood Printing Block in Cheonggyesa Temple. Created in the 27th year of the reign of King Sukjong (1701) of the Joseon dynasty, the Bronze Bell has been designated as a national treasure, and is adorned with elaborate patterns.
Day off N/A (Open all year round) Opening day
Experience guide Age of use
Hours of use Sunrise-Sunset Ask • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-31-1330 (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-31-345-2533
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Stroller rental unable Pet unable
Address 475, Cheonggye-ro, Uiwang-si, Gyeonggi-do

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