Village of the Nampyeong Mun Clan in Bon-ri (남평문씨본리세거지)

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Village of the Nampyeong Mun Clan in Bon-ri (남평문씨본리세거지)

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The Village of the Nampyeong Mun Clan in Bon-ri was built on what used to be part of a temple, but was organized following a well-field system to make the area a residence for many generations. As of now, nine houses and two pavilions remain, as well as a low wall along the road.

The main building of the village is Subongjeongsa, located in the center of the area. It was used for meeting guests, as well as a gathering place for the family, and features beautiful gardens. Gwanggeodang Hall was an educational place for studies and refinement. Insumungo Storage Building preserves about 10,000 books and clan treasures. It started out as a small building but later was expanded, including an additional building constructed just to read books.
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(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-53-668-3162
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Address 16, Inheung 3-gil, Dalseong-gun, Daegu

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