Daegullyeong Village (대굴령마을)

Korea Tourist Attractions

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Daegullyeong Village (대굴령마을)

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Daegullyeong Village is a tourist complex located in Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do, which provides visitors with a host of various traditional experiences, sporting events, and lodging accommodations. The village of Daegullyeong got its name from the series of 832-m long Daegwallyeong ridges that stretch along the bordering regions of Gangneung and Pyeongchang. Although the mountain ridges present rigorous passages with 99 turns, the area is popular for its magnificent scenery.

 Daegullyeong Village boasts the beautiful Daegwallyeong ridges and clear waters of the valleys in the mountain villages where tourists can take in the spectacular views of Bogwang 1(il)-ri, Bogwang 2(yi)-ri, and Eoheul-ri. The local specialties include the traditional doenjang (soybean paste), various soy and bean pastes, corn, traditional fermented soybeans, potatoes, and vegetables. Visitors can stay at any number of pensions in the area, then take a tour around a traditional soy and bean paste factory and participate in various experience programs such as soy and bean paste making, straw arts and crafts, folk games, and traditional performances.
Day off N/A (Open all year round) Opening day
Experience guide * Experience Programs - Oranic & soybean making experience
- Clay activities
- Arts & Craft, ceramicware hand painting
- Folk games
Age of use
Hours of use Ask • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-33-648-0406
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Stroller rental none Pet none
Address 17, Seongyeon-ro, Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do

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Available Facilities: * Daegullyeong
Village Program
Bogwang 1(il)-ri – 5 blocks of pensions and various sports facilities (Jokgu
court, volleyball court, badminton court)

Bogwang 2(yi)-ri – offers food made with traditional soy and bean paste making
techniques, along with a traditional soy and bean paste factory

Eoheul-ri – a wild flower garden and three blocks of pensions



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