Yeonmudae Post (Dongjangdae) (연무대 (동장대))

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Yeonmudae Post (Dongjangdae) (연무대 (동장대))

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Yeonmudae Post is located inside Suwon's Hwaseong Fortress, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Situated on a relatively high hill between Changryongmun (the east gate of the fortress) and Hwahongmun (a north floodgate), Yeonmudae is an excellent military observation post with sweeping views of the inside of the fortress. After the fortress was completed in 1796, Yeonmudae was used as a training ground for troops for over two centuries, where they learned fighting skills involving swords, spears and arrows.

At Yeonmudae, visitors can learn archery while wearing traditional military attire; the fortress also offers a wide array of performances for visitors to appreciate traditional Korean culture. Yeomudae is included in the Suwon City Tour course.
Day off N/A (Open all year round) Opening day
Experience guide Age of use
Hours of use March-October 09:00-18:00 / November-February 09:00-17:00 Ask • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-31-228-4686,
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Parking lot Available When should you use it?
Stroller rental none Pet none
Address 20, Changnyong-daero 103beon-gil, Paldal-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do(Maehyang-dong)

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Tour Course Information:[Suwon City Tour]
* Suwon Hwaseong Course:
Suwon Station Travel Information Center (TIC) → Haewoojae Museum → Hwaseomun Gate (bypass) → Hwaseong Haenggung Palace → Janganmun Gate (bypass) → Hwahongmun Gate → Yeonmudae Post → Suwon Hwaseong Museum → Suwon TIC

* Hwaseong & Osan-si Inclusive Tour:
Suwon Station Travel Information Center (TIC) → Hwaseomun Gate (bypass) → Janganmun Gate (bypass) → Hwahongmun Gate → Hwaseong Haenggung Palace → Yeonmudae Post → Lunch at Jidong Market → Yungneung / Geolleung (Yunggeolleung) Royal Tombs → Yongjusa Temple → Mulhyanggi Arboretum Parking Fees:Small/Mid-sized car 2,000 won for 3 hours / 10,000 won for one-day
Large-sized car 4,000 won for 3 hours / 15,000 won for one-day
* 200 won for each additional 10 minutes after 3 hours Admission Fees:[Suwon Hawseong Fortress]
Individuals: Adults 1,000 won / Teenagers 700 won / Children 500 won
Groups: Adults 700 won / Teenagers 500 won / Children 300 won
* Groups: 20 people or more
* Free admission for children age 6 and under & seniors age 65 and older
[Hwaseong Haenggung Palace]
Individuals: Adults 1,500 won / Teenagers 1,000 won / Children 700 won
Groups: Adults 1,200 won / Teenagers 800 won / Children 500 won
* Groups: 20 people or more

[Integrated Pass (Suwon Hwaseong Fortress, Hwaseong Haenggung Palace, Suwon Museum, Suwon Hwaseong Museum)]
Individuals: Adults 3,500 won / Teenagers 2,000 won / Children 800 won
Groups: Adults 2,000 won / Teenagers 1,200 won / Children 600 won
* Please note Hwaseong Tourist Trolley and Gukgung Activity is not included (seperate fees apply). Interpretation Services Offered:Guided tour is available in English and Japanese

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