Yumyeongsan National Recreational Forest (국립 유명산자연휴양림)

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Yumyeongsan National Recreational Forest (국립 유명산자연휴양림)

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Yumyeongsan National Recreational Forest is located near the mountain's entrance in the main valley. Despite its relatively low altitude, the Yumyeongsan Mountain is blessed with a steep valley and lush forests, resembling those of Cheonbuldong Valley in Seoraksan Mountain. The recreational park also has a well-managed hiking trail that follows the mountain's creek and unique rocks. The park is equipped with an auto-camping site, cabins, and outdoor exercise equipment for lodging and leisure purposes.
Day off Opening day 1989
Experience guide Forest Exploration, Hands-on Experience Age of use
Hours of use [Accommodations] 15:00-12:00 (next day)
[Park hours] 09:00-18:00
Ask • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-31-589-5487
Di sản Receive Up to 3,000 people
Parking lot Available When should you use it?
Stroller rental none Pet unable
Address 79-53, Eobisan-gil, Gapyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do

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Parking Fees:Compact cars: 1,500 won

Small & mid-sized cars: 3,000 won

Large-sized vehicles: 5,000 won
Available Facilities:Aroma Botanical Park, Amseokwon Garden, Nature Learning Center, Urikkotgil Trail, Wetland Arboretum, grass field
Admission Fees:Individuals - Adults 1,000 won / Teenagers 600 won / Children 300 won

Groups - Adults 800 won / Teenagers 500 won / Children 200 won

* Group: 20 people or more

* Adults (ages 19 & over) / Teenagers (ages 13-18) / Children (Ages 7-12)

* Free admission during winter (December-March), including campsite users


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