Jatyanggi Purunsup Resort (잣향기푸른숲)

Korea Tourist Attractions

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Jatyanggi Purunsup Resort (잣향기푸른숲)

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Located in Gyeonggi-do and home to the nation's largest nut pine forest, composed of trees over 80 years old, Jatyanggi Purunsup Resort is a special recreational forest complex where phytoncide emitted from the pine tree forest creates a healing experience. The forest is located between 450 and 600 meters above sea level on Chungnyeongsan and Seorisan Mountains.
Day off Mondays Opening day
Experience guide - Forest therapy programs
- Forest experience programs
- Carpentry experience
* Refer to official website for more information.
Age of use Varies by program
Hours of use Summer 09:00-18:00
Winter 09:00-17:00
* Last admission 1 hr before closing
Ask • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-31-8008-6769
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Parking lot Available When should you use it?
Stroller rental none Pet none
Address 289-146, Chungnyeong-ro, Gapyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do

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Admission Fees:Individuals - Adults 1,000 won / Teenagers 600 won / Children 300 won
Groups - Adults 800 won / Teenagers 500 won / Children 200 won

* Groups: 30 people or more
* Adults (ages 19-64) / Teenagers (ages 13-18) / Children (ages 7-12)
* Free admission: Preschoolers (ages 6 & under), senior citizens (ages 65 & over) Restrooms:Available Available Facilities:Exhibition hall, carpentry studio, Hwajeonmin Village, watermill, healing center, forest meditation space, healing path, etc.

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