Bundang Jeongja-dong Café Street (분당 정자동 카페거리)

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Bundang Jeongja-dong Café Street (분당 정자동 카페거리)

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Jeongja-dong Caf? Street is a popular place in Bundang. Because its chic atmosphere resembles Cheongdam-dong in Seoul, it is also called Cheongja-dong.

The street, starting from Neulpureun High School to Geumgok-dong, is lined with charming cafes with lovely terraces. The wide array of cafes along the street boasts delicious food as well as chic atmosphere. Reminiscent of street cafes in Europe, Jeongja-dong Caf? Street has become a popular attraction among visitors who enjoy reading or promenading. It is also a fabulous spot for couples.
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(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
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Address Jeongja-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do

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