Seomjingang Train Village (섬진강기차마을)

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Seomjingang Train Village (섬진강기차마을)

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Since its development in April 1999 as a part of government efforts to boost regional tourism, Seomjingang Train Village has established itself as a popular attraction in Gokseong. A replica of the region's old steam engine train runs 10 kilometers between the old Gokseong Station in Seomjingang Train Village and Gajeong Station. The train runs along the old tracks at a moderate speed, allowing passengers to enjoy the scenic view along the tracks.
Day off Opening day
Experience guide Age of use
Hours of use 09:00-20:00 (last admission 18:00)
* Visitors must leave the premises 30 min before closing
Ask • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-61-362-7461,
+82-61-362-8635, +82-61-363-9900,
+82-61-363-6174, +82-61-362-7717
Di sản Receive
Parking lot Available When should you use it?
Stroller rental none Pet none
Address 232, Gichamaeul-ro, Gokseong-gun, Jeollanam-do

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Admission Fees:[Seomjingang Train Village]

Individual - Adults 5,000 won / Children, senior citizens 4,500 won

Group - Adults 4,500 won / Children, senior citizens 4,000 won

* Paying visitors receive one 2,000 won Gokseong Simcheong gift certificate

* Groups: 30 or more people
Activity Fees:[Seomjingang River Railbike (online reservation)] Gajeong Station – Bongjo Station

Individuals: 2-seater 20,000 won / 3-seater 25,000 won / 4-seater 30,000 won

Groups: 2-seater 18,000 won / 3-seater 22,500 won / 4-seater 27,000 won

[Train Village Railbike (no reservations)] 4-Seater bike

Individuals (circulation / 500 m): 5,000 won

Groups (circulation / 500 m): 4,500 won

* Board in the order of tickets sold on-site.

* Groups of 6 bikes or more: 10% discount

[Steam Engine Train]

Adults (seated ticket): Round-trip 9,000 won / One-way trip 6,000 won

Adults (standing ticket): Round-trip 7,000 won / One-way trip 5,000 won

Children, senior citizens (seated ticket): Round-trip 8,000 won / One-way trip 5,000 won

Children, senior citizens (standing ticket): Round-trip 6,000 won / One-way trip 4,000 won

Groups (20 people or more)

Adults (seated ticket): Round-trip 8,100 won / One-way trip 5,400 won

Adults (standing ticket): Round-trip 6,300 won / One-way trip 4,500 won

Children, senior citizens (seated ticket): Round-trip 7,200 won / One-way trip 4,500 won
Children, senior citizens (standing ticket): Round-trip 5,400 won / One-way trip 3,600 won

* Adults (ages 13-64) / Children (ages 4-12) / Senior citizens (ages 65 & over)
Reservation Info. for Foreigners:Online & on-site reservation available

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