Andong Folk Village (안동민속촌)

Korea Tourist Attractions

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Andong Folk Village (안동민속촌)

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On the other side of the subsidiary dam of Andong Dam, thatched houses can be sparsely seen on a hilltop. The area is practically an outdoor for museum displaying traditional houses that were moved with the construction of Andong Dam. Two jangseung (traditional Korean totem poles) are raised at the entrance of the outdoor museum, followed by a monument inscribed with the poem of famous Andong poet and democracy activist, Lee Yuk-sa. On the monument, his most noted work “Gwangya” (Wild Plain) is carved.

Nearby attractions include Andong Folk Village near Andong Dam, along with Andong Museum, Lee Yuk-sa Monument, a filming site of “Taejo Wang Geon (2000)," and Andongho Lake.
Day off N/A (Open all year round) Opening day
Experience guide Age of use
Hours of use Open 24 hr Ask • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-54-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-54-852-6800
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Parking lot Available When should you use it?
Stroller rental none Pet none
Address Seonggok-dong, Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do

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