A Moment in Time - Live Caricature & Gallery (시간을 담다)

Korea Tourist Attractions

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A Moment in Time - Live Caricature & Gallery (시간을 담다)

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A Moment in Time adds in aspects of Korean traditions, customs, and landmarks like hanbok, Gwanghwamun Gate, and Korean mystical animals into caricature artworks, serving as an excellent souvenir for both locals and travelers. The gallery also offers hands-on programs like coloring caricature and traditional folk art. In addition, original design products from A Moment in Time are also available, making great gifts.
Day off Mondays Opening day November 21, 2018
Experience guide - Live caricature experience, caricature coloring program, traditional folk art coloring

* Schedule and fees vary by program
Age of use Open to visitors of all ages
Hours of use 11:00-20:00 Ask • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-10-8895-3368
Di sản Receive 20 people
Parking lot When should you use it?
Stroller rental none Pet none
Address 20-1, Samil-daero 8-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul

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Shopping Information:Live caricature, making caricatures of people and pets, original tote bags

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