Seoul Theater Festival (서울연극제 2020)

Korea Festivals & Events

Seoul Theater Festival (서울연극제 2020)

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Seoul Theater Festival is a theatrical arts festival that has been representing Seoul for over 40 years. The festival’s history first began in 1977 under the name “Republic of Korea’s Theater Festival” with the aim of developing Korea’s original theater productions. The festival has evolved to presenting original performances as well as to interpreting and holding both premier and reruns of excellent performances since 2017.
Start 20200502 End 20200531
Performance time Place ARKO Arts Theater, Daehakro Arts Theater, SH Art Hall, Dongyang Arts Center Theater Halls 2 & 3, Marronnier Park, etc.
Viewing time Varies by performance Viewing age Varies by performance
Usage fee Discount
Reservation office Event venue location [Subway]
Hyehwa Station (Seoul Subway Line 4), Exit 2.
Theaters are located on the way to Marronnier Park.
Side events Program
Progression type Festival type
Organizer Seoul Theater Association Contact • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-2-765-7500
Host company Seoul Theater Association Executive Committee Contact +82-2-765-7500
Address 7, Daehak-ro 8-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul Source KOREA TOURISM ORGANIZATION

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Introduction:Seoul Theater Festival is a theatrical arts festival that has been representing Seoul for over 40 years. The festival’s history first began in 1977 under the name “Republic of Korea’s Theater Festival” with the aim of developing Korea’s original theater productions. The festival has evolved to presenting original performances as well as to interpreting and holding both premier and reruns of excellent performances since 2017. Programs:10 Performances officially selected by Seoul Theater Festival committee, outdoor promotion booths, opening ceremony “Only Daehak-ro,” original performances, talk concerts, etc.

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