Yangyang Salmon Festival (양양연어축제)


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Yangyang Salmon Festival (양양연어축제)

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Yangyang Salmon Festival is a festival celebrating one of Yangyang’s specialties, salmon. The festival is held in mid-October each year, at Namdaecheon Stream, Yangyang. Namdaecheon Stream sees the greatest salmon run in Korea, hosting more than 70% of the salmon returning to Korea. Salmon born in Namdaecheon Stream grow for 3 to 5 years in the North Pacific, and return to Namdaecheon Stream in fall through the East Sea to lay eggs and face the end of their lives. Yangyang Salmon Festival joins these fish in their powerful, vigorous display of life as they return to their native river. The festival starts with Yongwangje, a traditional rite, and offers a bevy of experience programs, including the most famous program of salmon hand-catching. Seeing the salmon drifting and darting between one’s hands is certainly an experience that can only be had in very few places around the world. Salmon ecology experience offers an interesting insight into the growth and movement of salmon, and other activities like salmon tasting, salmon rubbing, and salmon ecology exhibitions keep the spirit of the festival alive.
Start 20221028 End 20221030
Performance time 11:00-19:00 Place Yangyang Namdaecheon Riverside
Viewing time Viewing age
Usage fee Free
* Salmon catching contest: 30,000 won participation fee
Reservation office Event venue location
Side events Program
Progression type Festival type
Organizer Yangyang-gun Contact • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-33-671-3803
Host company Yangyang-gun Cultural Foundation Contact +82-33-671-3803
Address 226-2beonji, Nammun-ri, Yangyang-gun, Gangwon-do Source KOREA TOURISM ORGANIZATION

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Introduction:Yangyang Salmon Festival is a festival celebrating one of Yangyang’s specialties, salmon. The festival is held in mid-October each year, at Namdaecheon Stream, Yangyang. Namdaecheon Stream sees the greatest salmon run in Korea, hosting more than 70% of the salmon returning to Korea. Salmon born in Namdaecheon Stream grow for 3 to 5 years in the North Pacific, and return to Namdaecheon Stream in fall through the East Sea to lay eggs and face the end of their lives. Yangyang Salmon Festival joins these fish in their powerful, vigorous display of life as they return to their native river. The festival starts with Yongwangje, a traditional rite, and offers a bevy of experience programs, including the most famous program of salmon hand-catching. Seeing the salmon drifting and darting between one’s hands is certainly an experience that can only be had in very few places around the world. Salmon ecology experience offers an interesting insight into the growth and movement of salmon, and other activities like salmon tasting, salmon rubbing, and salmon ecology exhibitions keep the spirit of the festival alive.
Programs:Opening ceremony, stage performances, experience programs, salmon catching contest, etc.

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