Incheon International Airport Terminal 2

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Incheon International Airport Terminal 2

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Since opening in 2001, Incheon International Airport has been rated as the best airport in the world numerous times. And to further improve, the Terminal 2 officially opened in 2018 after nine years of construction. Terminal 2 was desigend with the concept of an "artport," a portmanteau of art and airport, to serve as a space for entertainment in addition to an international tansportation hub.

With self-checking counters and smart counter that automatically checks in luggage for the convenience of passengers, the aiport implements high-tech services to better provide information and strengthen security. The airport has also upgraded their check-in system so that passengers can enjoy all the cultural space and attractions the airport has to offer
Day off Opening day
Experience guide [Cultural Performance] Regular performances around Duty Free area
[Korean Traditional Culture Center] Exhibition, handicraft experience, scratch card experience, making hangeul experience, hanok experience, etc.
[Parade] Royal wedding parade
[Art works] Xavier Veilhan, Media Cloud, Jinnie Seo, Julius Popp, Lights and Shadows, Dreamer's area, etc.
[Media Art] 2F Arrival, Entrance Media Wall

* Experience programs are only available for international visitors
* Please check the schedule for performances and parade
Age of use
Hours of use Ask • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-1577-2600
Di sản Receive
Parking lot Short-term parking lot (1 day), Long-term parking lot (Parking pass), Valet parking When should you use it?
Stroller rental none Pet none
Address 446, Je2terminal-daero, Jung-gu, Incheon

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Restrooms:Available Parking Fees:[Short-term Parking]
Compact size: First 30 min - 1,200 won (600 won for every additional 15 min) / 24,000 won per day

[Long-term Parking]
Compact size: 1,000 won per hour / 9,000 won per day
Large size: 1,200 won per 30 min / 12,000 won per day

[Cargo Terminal Parking]
Compact size: First 45 min free (500 won for every additional 15 min) / 10,000 won per day
Large size: First 45 min free (600 won for every additional 15 min)/12,000 won per day




CS Center

월-금 : 9:30 ~ 17:30
토/일/공휴일 휴무
런치타임 : 12:30 ~ 13:30
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