Asan Maengssi Haengdan House - Maeng Sa-seong House (아산 맹씨행단(맹사성 고택)

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Asan Maengssi Haengdan House - Maeng Sa-seong House (아산 맹씨행단(맹사성 고택)

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Maeng Sa-seong is a major figure in Cheonbaek-ri and was a prime minister during the early years of the Joseon dynasty. His house is the oldest private residence in Korea, and was originally General Choi Yeong’s home, before he turned it over to his grand son-in-law, Maeng Sa-seong. The simple residence houses two 600-year-old gingko trees in the yard. Therefore it has been named ‘Haengdan’, meaning that Confucius taught on top of the gingko tree symbolizing a place of learning. For that reason it is inferred that Maeng Sa-seong intentionally planted gingko trees in the yard and taught junior scholars. The two gingko trees provide a cool shade and give out five sacks of gingko nuts each year.
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(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-41-536-8773
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Stroller rental none Pet none
Address 23-4, Haengdan-gil, Asan-si, Chungcheongnam-do

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Available Facilities:House, exhibition hall, etc. Restrooms:Available

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