
Korea Tourist Attractions(Korean)


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Jinhae Sosa Village is a place where culture and art gather, including the birthplace of poet Kim Dal-jin, the Kim Dal-jin Literary Museum, the Kim Museum, a modern history museum, and the Park Bae-deok Gallery run by artist Park Bae-deok. The Kim Daljin Literature Museum, which opened in 2005, displays the poet's mementos and photos from his lifetime, and his birthplace has also been restored. Take a trip down memory lane at the Kim Museum, where you can find nostalgic items such as 'Black and White TV', 'Radio', typewriters, and grandfather clocks, the Kim Workshop, which recreates corner stores from the 70s and 80s, and the Sosa Tavern, a storytelling museum open only on weekends. It is a town with a lot to see and do. Photos showing the history of Sosa Village, which was created when nearby residents were forcibly relocated when Japan built Jinhae Military Port in the early 1900s, are also on display.
쉬는날 매주 월요일, 설날, 추석 개장일 -
체험안내 체험가능연령 -
이용시간 9:00~18:00 문의및안내 055-552-8608 (김씨 박물관) / 055-547-2623(김달진 문학관)
유산구분 수용인원 -
주차시설 있음 (김달진 문학관에 주차 가능) 이용시기 -
유모차대여 없음 애완동물동반 없음
신용카드 없음 출처 한국관광공사
주소 경상남도 창원시 진해구 소사로59번길 13(소사동)   Google map

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PC에서는 위치가 정확하지 않을 수 있습니다.

* 파란색 선을 따라서 클릭하시면 보시고 싶은 로드뷰를 쉽게 보실 수 있습니다.


  • 식당
  • 숙박
  • 약국
  • 주유소
  • 카페
  • 편의점

Admission fee: Free (Park Bae-deok Gallery: 2,000 won for adults/1,000 won for elementary, middle, and high school students)

Toilets: Available (separate for men and women)
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