백범김구선생상(백범 광장)

Korea Tourist Attractions(Korean)

백범김구선생상(백범 광장)

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The Baekbeom Kim Gu Statue at Baekbeom Square (白凡廣場) is a patriotic statue of Kim Gu (金九, 1876-1949), an independence activist, educator, and politician, who was an independence activist, educator, and politician and worked hard to establish a unified nation. This statue was erected in Baekbeom Square in Namsan Park in August 1969 to commemorate his spirit. Two months after his assassination in 1949, the Kim Gu Statue Construction Promotion Committee was established and discussions on erecting the statue began. The location was chosen as Namsan Park, the site of the Joseon Shrine during the Japanese colonial period. The statue was sculpted by sculptors Kim Gyeong-seung (金景承) and Min Bok-jin (閔福鎭) based on a plaster bust created in 1969 while alive with donations sent from various circles at home and abroad, making it 10 meters high. Under the leadership of the Baekbeom Kim Gu Memorial Association, formed in 1960, the groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of the statue was held on April 8, 1969, and the statue unveiling ceremony was held on August 23, the day of his birth.

쉬는날 연중개방 개장일
체험안내 체험가능연령 -
이용시간 문의및안내 02-3396-5856
유산구분 수용인원 -
주차시설 남산공원주차장 이용 이용시기 -
유모차대여 없음 애완동물동반 없음
신용카드 없음 출처 한국관광공사
주소 서울 중구 회현동1가 100-115   Google map

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내현재위치를 사용하시는 분은 본 내용에 대해서 충분히 숙지하고 동의함으로 간주합니다.
PC에서는 위치가 정확하지 않을 수 있습니다.

* 파란색 선을 따라서 클릭하시면 보시고 싶은 로드뷰를 쉽게 보실 수 있습니다.


  • 식당
  • 숙박
  • 약국
  • 주유소
  • 카페
  • 편의점

Admission fee: Free
Available facilities: Baekbeom Square: Citizens' gatherings, rest, simple playground, square, acupressure sidewalk, etc.
Parking fee: Paid
Restroom: Available
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