가평 연인산마을

Korea Tourist Attractions(Korean)

가평 연인산마을

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Baekdun-ri Mountain Village is a village located deep at the foot of Myeongji Mountain, located to the north. It is a beautiful mountain village composed of seven natural villages along the Baekdun Stream. Myeongji Mountain and Baekdun Valley are famous for being high and deep, making it a favorite destination for city residents in all four seasons. It is famous as a resort area. Baekdun-ri Mountain Village's rice farming and apple orchards account for a large portion of the farm income, and it earns income from homestays for vacationers visiting Baekduncheon in the summer as well as field crops, shiitake mushrooms, and cattle breeding. In recent years, tourists have been attracted through events such as Myeongjisan County Park, Yeoninsan Azalea Festival adjacent to Yongchu Valley, and Scarecrow Festival, making it a great village for a cozy trip with the family due to development in harmony with the beautiful natural environment. Built at the foot of the mountain, The grass plaza is equipped with exercise facilities and pavilions for relaxation, and a farming experience center and wild flower complex have been created so that visitors can enjoy the atmosphere of a mountain village while learning about nature. In addition, the existing old water supply facilities installed in the village were refurbished to ensure safe drinking water, and a sewage purification facility was installed to ensure that the clean area was not polluted and that the natural beauty of the mountain village was maintained in an eco-friendly manner. < br>
쉬는날 - 개장일 -
체험안내 퐁당트래킹, 숙박체험, 캠핑체험, 도시락만들기, 나도제빵사, 사과따기체험, 고추장만들기 등 체험가능연령 -
이용시간 문의및안내 031-582-9334
유산구분 수용인원 -
주차시설 주차 가능 이용시기 -
유모차대여 없음 애완동물동반 없음
신용카드 없음 출처 한국관광공사
주소 경기도 가평군 북면 백둔로 417-11   Google map

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  • 식당
  • 숙박
  • 약국
  • 주유소
  • 카페
  • 편의점

Restroom: Available
Available facilities: Accommodation facilities
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