Oh, no, not at all. As long as it's not too loud and no one objects, he said it's okay.


Oh, no, not at all. As long as it's not too loud and no one objects, he said it's okay.

stocking 0 24 0 0
English Oh, no, not at all. As long as it's not too loud and no one objects, he said it's okay.
Korean 네. 딴 사람들이 싫어하지 않고 너무 크게만 틀어 놓지 않으면 상관없대요.
Oh, no, not at all. As long as it's not too loud and no one objects, he said it's okay.


1. We use Google Translate. 

2. Please study Korean sentences at the same time as English.

Photo English
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