Aranaby Zipline (아라나비(스카이 어촌체험))

Korea Leisure & Sports

Aranaby Zipline (아라나비(스카이 어촌체험))

stocking 0 801 0 0
As “Ara” means ocean and "naby" means butterfly in Korean, Aranaby conveys an image of butterflies flying over the ocean. Aranaby Zipline offers a zipline from18 meter-high tower and flies 300 meters across the ocean.
Popular as an eco-tourism activity in diverse countries from the United States to Australia and European countries, ziplines can be enjoyed year-round by people of various ages. Visitors can be assured of their safety as the company has already applied for two patents to safety, passed safety tests required by the Korea Transportation Safety Authority, and offers a comprehensive liability insurance package.

There are many attractions nearby including Namhangjin Beach, trekking course, Anmok Coffee Street and more
Open period Mondays (excluding during summer peak season) Hours of use
Admission fees Age available for experience Tel: +82-33-641-9002
Off day 10:00-17:00 (Summer peak season 10:00-18:00) Inquiry • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-33-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-33-641-9002
Scale Capacity
Parking facility Visitors whose weight is between 20 kg to 130 kg Parking Fee
Stroller rental Pets allowed
Address 35-7, Gonghang-gil 127beon-gil, Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do

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Discount Information:* Inquiry required for groups of 30 people or more

Tel: +82-33-641-9002
Rental Fees:* Participation Fee: 20,000 won for 600 m round-trip (same fee for all ages)

* Depending on weather conditions, there is a possibility of one-way operation only


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