Konjiam Ski Resort (곤지암리조트 스키장)
2023.04.02 20:14
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Reference Notes:- ME-TIME PASS: Lift ticket that starts from desired time within operating hours
* Children (ages 6-12)
* Detailed information on fees is available on the website. Brief Training Courses:* Lesson for skiing: Refer to the website. Main Facilities:Ski house, convention center, restaurants, spa, cave wine cellar, brauhaus, arboretum, swimming pool, singing room, pub, tennis court, footvolley court, soccer field, outdoor stage, medical room
* Children (ages 6-12)
* Detailed information on fees is available on the website. Brief Training Courses:* Lesson for skiing: Refer to the website. Main Facilities:Ski house, convention center, restaurants, spa, cave wine cellar, brauhaus, arboretum, swimming pool, singing room, pub, tennis court, footvolley court, soccer field, outdoor stage, medical room