Baengmagang Leisure Park (백마강레저파크)


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Korea Leisure & Sports

Baengmagang Leisure Park (백마강레저파크)

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Baengmagang Leisure Park provides camping all year round as well as caravan facilities and water sports facilities. Visitors can enjoy waterski, wakeboarding, banana boat, and water playgrounds as well as outdoor swimming pool in the summer.
Open period Open all year round Hours of use
Admission fees Age available for experience Website or telephone
Off day Inquiry • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info:+82-1833-8982
Scale Capacity Approx. 110 people
Parking facility Ages 7 and older Parking Fee Available
Stroller rental Pets allowed
Address 424, Wangheung-ro, Buyeo-gun, Chungcheongnam-do

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Rental Information:Price include skis or wakeboard, life vest, and shorts (if necessary) Rental Fees:Waterski / wakeboarding (Beginner) : 1 person (including training and rental / two runs) 60,000 won
Waterski / wakeboarding (Middle / High level): 1 person (Including training and rental / Single run) 25,000 won

Peanut boat / Banana boat / Band wagon: 20,000 won per person
Fly Fish: 25,000 won per person
Motor boat ride: 50,000 won for 4 people

Package A: Waterski (beginner) or wakeboarding (beginner) + 2 water activities: 80,000 won per person
Package B: 2 water activities: 30,000 won per person
Package C: 3 water activities: 50,000 won per person
Package D: 4 water activities: 55,000 won per person

* Check the official website for caravan rental prices Brief Training Courses:Water ski and wakeboarding training courses for all levels Subsidiary Facilities:Swimming pool, market, animal farm Main Facilities:Caravan, autocamping zone, ATV track

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