Canceled: Jeju Olle Walking Festival (제주올레걷기축제)


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Canceled: Jeju Olle Walking Festival (제주올레걷기축제)

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The Jeju Olle Walking Festival is held in autumn, when Jeju’s nature is at its finest, to offer the opportunity of walking the wonderful Jeju Island with fellow participants who enjoy walking tours, along with performances and local food. Visitors from China, Taiwan, America, England, Japan, Canada and other countries participate in this walking festival. Volunteers support the festival management, local residents offer Jeju programs and food, and performers provide impressive entertainment. This large scale festival held in Jeju has the participation of a lot of people.
Start 20221103 End 20221105
Performance time 09:00-18:00 Place Jeju Olle Trail 11-13
Viewing time Viewing age
Usage fee Pre-registration: Individuals 30,000 won / Groups & Children 25,000 won
On-site: Individuals 35,000 won / Groups & Children 30,000 won

* Children: Ages 18 & younger
* Groups: 20 or more
Reservation office Event venue location
Side events Program
Progression type Festival type
Organizer Jeju Special Self-Governing Province Contact • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-64-762-2190
Host company Jeju Olle Foundation Contact +82-64-762-2190
Address 22, Jungjeong-ro, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do Source KOREA TOURISM ORGANIZATION

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Introduction:The Jeju Olle Walking Festival is held in autumn, when Jeju’s nature is at its finest, to offer the opportunity of walking the wonderful Jeju Island with fellow participants who enjoy walking tours, along with performances and local food. Visitors from China, Taiwan, America, England, Japan, Canada and other countries participate in this walking festival. Volunteers support the festival management, local residents offer Jeju programs and food, and performers provide impressive entertainment. This large scale festival held in Jeju has the participation of a lot of people. Programs:Music performance, quiz time, food booth, etc.

Photo Festival
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