Imsil N Cheese Festival (임실N치즈축제)


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Korea Festivals & Events

Imsil N Cheese Festival (임실N치즈축제)

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Imsil N Cheese Festival gives festivalgoers a chance to take in the savory scent of cheese all day long at Imsil, the most famous cheese industry in Korea. The festival offers visitors a chance to become a character from a fairy-tale by entering the Imsil Cheese Theme Park with nine different themes and 84 programs. Visitors will be able to taste and purchase goods made from Imsil at a discounted price.
Start 20231006 End 20231009
Performance time Place Areas of Imsil Cheese Theme Park and Imsil Cheese Village
Viewing time Approx. 3 hr Viewing age
Usage fee Free (Fee varies by program) Discount
Reservation office Event venue location
Side events Program
Progression type Festival type
Organizer Imsil N Cheese Festival Committee Contact • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-63-643-3900
Host company Imsil N Cheese Festival Committee Contact +82-63-643-3900
Address 50, Doin 2-gil, Imsil-gun, Jeollabuk-do Source KOREA TOURISM ORGANIZATION

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Introduction:Imsil N Cheese Festival gives festivalgoers a chance to take in the savory scent of cheese all day long at Imsil, the most famous cheese industry in Korea. The festival offers visitors a chance to become a character from a fairy-tale by entering the Imsil Cheese Theme Park with nine different themes and 84 programs. Visitors will be able to taste and purchase goods made from Imsil at a discounted price. Programs:Opening ceremony, cooking class, parade, and more

Photo Festival
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