Geoje Codfish Festival (거제 대구수산물축제)
2023.04.01 07:00
The Geoje Codfish Festival presents a variety of performances and events. In particular, many visitors enjoy participating in the Codfish Direct Sales Marketplace, and the on-the-spot codfish auctions. Throughout the festival, visitors are able to buy codfish and salted fish at affordable prices, as well as enjoy the taste of these local products.
Start | 20201216 | End | 20210115 | ||||
Performance time | Place | Online | |||||
Viewing time | Viewing age | ||||||
Usage fee | Free | Discount | |||||
Reservation office | Event venue location |
[Express/Intercity Bus] Take a bus from Nambu Bus Terminal to Jangseungpo Bus Terminal. |
Side events | Program | ||||||
Progression type | Festival type | ||||||
Organizer | Geoje Codfish Festival Committee | Contact |
• 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330 (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese) • For more info: +82-55-681-2233 |
Host company | Geoje Marine Agriculture Association | Contact | +82-55-681-2233 | ||||
Address | Online | Source | KOREA TOURISM ORGANIZATION |
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Introduction:The Geoje Codfish Festival presents a variety of performances and events. In particular, many visitors enjoy participating in the Codfish Direct Sales Marketplace, and the on-the-spot codfish auctions. Throughout the festival, visitors are able to buy codfish and salted fish at affordable prices, as well as enjoy the taste of these local products.
Programs:True-false quiz event, singing contest, photo event, etc.
* Programs and schedule subject to change
* Programs and schedule subject to change