Pinnacle Land Spring Flowers Festival (피나클랜드 튤립/수선화 축제)


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Pinnacle Land Spring Flowers Festival (피나클랜드 튤립/수선화 축제)

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Spring has bloomed in Pinnacle Land. Pinnacle Land wakes up from a long winter sleep and spring is in full bloom. A feast of tulips dressed in fancy clothes and daffodils showing off their graceful figure. Visitors can feel the mood under the spring sky of the mountains and 500,000 tulips/daffodils grown by hand with the villagers in Pinnacle Land. Some events may be changed or canceled depending on on-site conditions.
Start 20230324 End 20230530
Performance time 09:00-19:00 (last admission 18:00) Place Pinnacle land garden
Viewing time 2 hrs Viewing age
Usage fee Adults 12,000 won / Teenagers 10,000 won / Children 9,000 won Discount
Reservation office Event venue location
Side events Program
Progression type Festival type
Organizer Contact • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-41-541-2582
Host company Contact
Address 충청남도 아산시 월선길 20-42 Source KOREA TOURISM ORGANIZATION

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Introduction:Spring has bloomed in Pinnacle Land. Pinnacle Land wakes up from a long winter sleep and spring is in full bloom. A feast of tulips dressed in fancy clothes and daffodils showing off their graceful figure. Visitors can feel the mood under the spring sky of the mountains and 500,000 tulips/daffodils grown by hand with the villagers in Pinnacle Land. Some events may be changed or canceled depending on on-site conditions. Programs:Fireworks, performances, magic show, bubble show, music performance, drawing contest :

Photo Festival
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