Korea-Japan Festival in Seoul (한일축제한마당 in Seoul)
2023.03.05 20:20
The Korea-Japan Festival, started in 2005, celebrates and promotes cultural exchange between Korea and Japan. This large-scale event offers many opportunities for all people and organizations to share knowledge for a better understanding of the various differences and similarities.
Start | 20210905 | End | 20210905 | ||||
Performance time | Place | Online streaming | |||||
Viewing time | Varies by program | Viewing age | Open to visitors of all ages | ||||
Usage fee | Free | Discount | |||||
Reservation office | Event venue location | ||||||
Side events | Program | ||||||
Progression type | Festival type | ||||||
Organizer | Korea-Japan Festival in Seoul Organizing Committee | Contact |
• 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330 (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese) • For more info: +82-2-702-7775 |
Host company | Korea-Japan Festival in Seoul Operating Committee | Contact | +82-2-702-7775 | ||||
Address | Online | Source | KOREA TOURISM ORGANIZATION |
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Introduction:The Korea-Japan Festival, started in 2005, celebrates and promotes cultural exchange between Korea and Japan. This large-scale event offers many opportunities for all people and organizations to share knowledge for a better understanding of the various differences and similarities.
Programs:Stage performances, business booths, event booths, etc.
How to Particpate:Free admission available with on-site registration on the day of visit