Ganghwa Anglican Church (대한성공회 강화성당)

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Ganghwa Anglican Church (대한성공회 강화성당)

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Ganghwa Anglican Church was consecrated in 1900 by Charies Jone Corfe, the First Bishop of the Church as the St. Peter and St.Paul’s Church. The church has since undergone several restorations, but the design remains true to the original.

The two-story 4x10 rectangular building is characterized by traditional Korean construction style on the outside while the interior is a Western Basilica style symbolizing the beauty of harmony and Korean tradition. It was first designated as Gyeonggi-do Tangible Cultural Property No. 154 and then became Incheon Tangible Cultural property when Ganghwa was included in Incheon Metropolitan City. In January 2001 it was designated as Historic Site No.424 of Korea.
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(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-32-930-4571
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Address 10, Gwancheong-gil 27beon-gil, Ganghwa-gun, Incheon

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