Field of Reeds on Deokjeokdo Island (덕적도 갈대 군락지)

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Field of Reeds on Deokjeokdo Island (덕적도 갈대 군락지)

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Deokjeokso Island is famous for the largest colony of reeds on the west coast, and for backpaking up to Bijobong Peak. The field of reeds appears to dance in the wind as the surrounding ocean sparkles in the sun. From the top of Bijobong Peak, hikers can enjoy a fantastic view of the sunrise and sunset, as well as the star-filled night sky.

The area of Deokjeokdo Island in Incheon includes six smaller islands (Soyado, Mungapdo, Guleopdo, Baekado, Uldo, Jido), and is seven times the size of Yeouido Island in Seoul. The name means "an island in a deep sea." The natural environment on the island has remained largely untouched, allowing for beautiful ocean views. Among the islands attractions, many tourists visit Seopo-ri Beach, famous for its 200-300 year-old pine trees and white sand. Visitors can see more of the many islands dotting the area by climbing up Bagatsurobong Peak. The path to the peak passes Yongdam Cave, said to have been the home to a dragon.
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Hours of use Open 24 hr Ask • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-32-899-3710
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Stroller rental none Pet none
Address 130, Deokjeokbuk-ro, Ongjin-gun, Incheon

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Available Facilities:Accommodations, restaurants, shower booth
Admission Fees:Free

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