Bidulginangpokpo Falls-Hantangang River Geopark (비둘기낭폭포-한탄강 국가지질공원)

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Bidulginangpokpo Falls-Hantangang River Geopark (비둘기낭폭포-한탄강 국가지질공원)

stocking 0 361 0 0
Bidulginangpokpo Falls, Natural Monument No. 537, is located within a small valley. The waterfall is surrounded by grand columnar joints. The landscape appears quite mysterious and serene, earning it a spot as a poplar filming site for historical dramas. The falls gets it's name ("Pigeon Falls" in Korean) from the story of many wild pigeons nesting in the caves around the waterfall. Other say the name comes from the area's shape. During heavy rainfall, the road to the waterfall is closed, so checking the weather before visiting is recommended.
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Hours of use Ask • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-31-538-2312
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Stroller rental none Pet none
Address Daehoesan-ri, Pocheon-si, Gyeonggi-do

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