Godaesan Mountain (고대산)

Korea Tourist Attractions

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Godaesan Mountain (고대산)

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Godaesan Mountain (alt. 832 meters) is located next to Sintan-ri Station, which is the railroad disconnection point of the Gyeongwon Line. It is also on the way to Geumgangsan Mountain. Godaesan is ideal for mountain hiking because of its natural beauty and well-preserved ecosystem. Moreover, this is the only mountain in South Korea on which the North Korean territory can be seen.

There are several theories about the origin of the mountain's name. One is that the mountain had been referred to as "keungore" (big whale) in the past by local residents. Another is that the mountain looks like the banggorae (smoke duct) of a traditional Korean heating system when seen from the Sintan area; this is because the mountain's deep valleys resemble the furrows under that house that facilitate the passage of hot air to heat the room above. On a topographic map, the mountain was also marked as "Gotae" (like the constellations high above).

Godaesan also has a dense forest, making it a suitable source of timber and charcoal. Because of its abundant forest resources, a jumak (a tavern or inn that served food and liquor and provided lodging to travelers) village was formed here. The place was well-known for charcoal production prior to the Korean War.

On November 4, 1907, 150 soldiers from the Korean militia fought a fierce battle with the 8th Company of the Japanese Army's 20th Infantry Regiment in Yeoncheon. After the fight, the Korean militia were scattered throughout the jumak village. Later on, 60 of them engaged in a fierce battle again with the Japanese soldiers on Godaesan. This is a place imbued with the brave spirit of the Korean people.
Day off N/A (Open all year round) Opening day
Experience guide Age of use
Hours of use Ask • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-31-839-2061
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Stroller rental none Pet none
Address Sinseo-myeon, Yeoncheon-gun, Gyeonggi-do

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Mountain Not Access Period:Spring: Feburary 1 - May 15
Fall: November 1 - December 15
* Period subject to change

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