Samsung Innovation Museum (삼성 이노베이션 뮤지엄)

Korea Tourist Attractions

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Samsung Innovation Museum (삼성 이노베이션 뮤지엄)

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Samsung Innovation Museum is an electronic industrial museum run by Samsung, a major global company based in Korea. The museum mainly consists of three sections. Visitors can learn about the history of Korea's electronic industry, as well as the past, present and future of the semiconductor, display and mobile industries, where Samsung made great achievements. The museum also runs an education facility called Children's Display Research Institute.
Day off Holidays, alternative holidays, Labor Day, and December 31 Opening day
Experience guide Tour of exhibition halls (Seeds of Innovation, Semi-conductor Zone, Display Zone, History of Samsung, etc.)

Children's Display Research Institute (research on displays, mobiles, and semi-conductors)
Age of use Ages 13 and above
* Elementary school students and younger children must be accompanied by an adult
Hours of use Weekdays 10:00-18:00 / Saturdays 09:00-17:00 Ask • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-31-200-3113
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Parking lot Available (Large buses prohibited after 16:00) When should you use it?
Stroller rental none Pet none
Address 129, Samsung-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do

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Available Facilities:Exhibition halls, theater, gallery, history museum

Admission Fees:Free

Interpretation Services Offered:English, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish (for groups of 10 people or more)

* English tour available for individual tourists at 16:00

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