Haneullae Deulkkot Village (하늘내들꽃마을 [녹색농촌체험])

Korea Tourist Attractions

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Haneullae Deulkkot Village (하늘내들꽃마을 [녹색농촌체험])

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Situated in Jangsu, Jeollabuk-do, Haneullae Deulkkot Village, as the name suggests in Korean, it is a village nestled alongside the Cheoncheon stream (haneullae means ‘heaven creek’). The area is blessed with clear shallow creek, a green mountain and a field of wild flowers (deulkkot). In the small ecological park there is a 1.6 kilometer square building, a playground, a farm, a garden and a pond occupying nearly 10,000 square meters. Next to the grassy playground you’ll find a therapeutic pebble path made for walking on bare foot, towering trees scattered around the playground offering some cool shade and a few swing chairs attached to the tall trees. There are three wooden look-out stations also shaded by the platanus trees. And in a corner of the playground is a campground capable of accommodating up to ten tents. The pond is home to more than ten varieties of water plants, including the lotus and water hyacinth. There are also some colourful native water life, such as the Crucian carp, daces, dark chubs, Chinese minnows, loaches, freshwater snails and marsh snails.

The cafeteria is all made of pine. Visitors can breathe in the soothing woody aroma, take in the view of the park all while having a meal. You can go on hiking trails, rest afterwards with some tea then walk to the local market in a pavilion. Also, people can visit the local compost centre and earthworm breeding farm, as well as the nearby roosters, a protected species native to Korea.
Day off Opening day
Experience guide Age of use
Hours of use Ask • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-63-353-5185
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Parking lot Available When should you use it?
Stroller rental none Pet none
Address 554, Cheoncheonbung-ro, Jangsu-gun, Jeollabuk-do

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Available Facilities:Grass playground, cafe, pond, rest area (Wondumak), organic restaurant, lecture/seminar room, wild flower herb garden, benches, camping site, water fountain Restrooms:Available

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