Seonunsan Mountain [National Geopark] (선운산 (전북 서해안 국가지질공원))

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Seonunsan Mountain [National Geopark] (선운산 (전북 서해안 국가지질공원))

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Seonunsan Mountain is famous for its sunrise views at Nakjodae Overlook and Cheonmabong Peak. The mountain is mostly comprised of hard volcanic rocks, creating a landscape of sharp cliffs softened by the forest vegetation.
Day off Opening day
Experience guide Age of use
Hours of use From sunrise to sunset Ask • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-63-560-2699
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Parking lot Available When should you use it?
Stroller rental none Pet none
Address 158-6, Seonunsa-ro, Gochang-gun, Jeollabuk-do

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Hiking Course:Course 1 (4.7 km, approx. 3 hr round-trip)
Course 2 (6.1 km, approx. 5 hr round-trip)
Course 3 (10.8 km, approx. 8 hr round-trip)
Course 4 (8.3 km, approx. 10 hr round-trip)

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