Gyeongju Yangdong Village [UNESCO World Heritage] (경주 양동마을 [유네스코 세계문화유산])

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Gyeongju Yangdong Village [UNESCO World Heritage] (경주 양동마을 [유네스코 세계문화유산])

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Gyeongju Yangdong Village is Korea’s largest traditional village, showcasing the traditional culture of the Joseon dynasty and the beautiful natural surroundings. Thanks to its many cultural heritages, including treasures, national treasures, and folklore materials, the entire village has been designated as a cultural heritage site. Many people have visited this village to see its wealth of cultural heritages and scenic surroundings, including King Charles III, who visited this village in 1993.

Seolchangsan Mountain and its four spines of mountains can be seen beyond the village. Approximately 160 old houses and 500-year-old thatched-roof cottages are nestled within the valley. Fifty-four of these homes are over 200 years old and have been excellently preserved in their original state, offering the opportunity to view a variety of unique traditional Korean houses in person.
Day off N/A (Open all year round) Opening day
Experience guide Traditional experience programs Age of use
Hours of use April-October 09:00-19:00 / November-March 09:00-18:00 Ask • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-54-762-2630
Di sản 세계 문화 유산 Receive
Parking lot Temporary parking lot available When should you use it?
Stroller rental none Pet none
Address 134 , Yangdongmaeul-gil, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do

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Tour Course Information:- Tour Route 1 (Hachon) - 20 minute hike
- Tour Route 2 (Mulbonggol) - 1 hour hike
- Tour Route 3 (Hill at the Back of Sujoldang) - 30 minute hike
- Tour Route 4 (Naegok) - 1 hour hike
- Tour Route 5 (Dugok) - 30 minute hike
- Tour Route 6 (Hyangdan House) - 1 hour hike
- Must-visit Route - Seobaekdang - Mucheomdang - Hyangdan House - Gwangajeong Pavilion Parking Fees:Free Available Facilities:Convenience store, traditional accomodations Restrooms:Available Admission Fees:Individual: Adults 4,000 won / Teenagers 2,000 won / Children 1,500 won
Groups: Adults 3,400 won / Teenagers 1,700 won / Children 1,200 won
* Groups (30 or more)
* Free admission (with ID): Senior citizens (ages 65 and older), preschoolers (ages 6 and under) Interpretation Services Offered:Available with prior reservation (English, Japanese, Chinese), audio guide rental (valid ID required)

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