Seongmun - Stone Gate (석문)

Korea Tourist Attractions

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Seongmun - Stone Gate (석문)

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Two hundred meters upstream from Dodamsambong Peaks is a large rainbow-shaped stone gate on the left side of the river. This oddly-shaped stone arch is called Seongmun, which means Stone Gate. Due to its fascinating scenery, Seongmunm is the second of Danyang’s Eight Scenic Beauties. To the left of the Stone Gate is a small cave. Inside the cave is Okdap (Stone Field), which is believed to have been cultivated by an old enchantress. The legend of Okdap says that an old enchantress who lived in heaven once came to the earth to get water and then dropped her binyeo (traditional Korean hairpin) near Seongmun. As she searched for her binyeo, she was extremely impressed by the beautiful views. Mesmerized, she left heaven and lived near Seongmun as an ordinary peasant, growing crops and expanding farmlands.
Day off Opening day
Experience guide Age of use
Hours of use 09:00-18:00 Ask • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-43-422-1146
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Parking lot Available When should you use it?
Stroller rental none Pet none
Address 644-33, Sambong-ro, Danyang-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do

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Parking Fees:[On-day parking]
Sedans 2,000 won
Buses 4,000 won

[Overnight parking]
Sedans 4,000 won
Buses 8,000 Restrooms:Available Admission Fees:Free Available Facilities:Music fountain, Dodamsambong cruise, etc. Interpretation Services Offered:Guide in English, Japanese, & Chinese available from Danyang Tourist Center. Korean Info. Service:Available

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