Bundang Olympic Sports Center Ice Skating Rink (분당올림픽스포츠센터 아이스링크)

Korea Leisure & Sports

Bundang Olympic Sports Center Ice Skating Rink (분당올림픽스포츠센터 아이스링크)

stocking 0 878 0 0
Located in the Bundang area of Seongnam in Gyeonggi-do, the Bundang Olympic Sports Center spans eight floors and includes an indoor ice-skating rink, a food court, various convenience facilities, a multi-purpose indoor gym, health club, aerobics room, Taekwondo ring, a golf course and a swimming pool.

The indoor ice skating rink on the first basement floor has state-of-the-art facilities and the highest ice quality, which visitors can enjoy all year round.
Open period Second Sunday of each month Hours of use
Admission fees Age available for experience Tel: +82-31-708-7485
Off day Weekdays 10:00-17:50
Weekends: Session 1 09:00-11:50 / Session 2 13:00-15:50
Public holidays (excluding weekends): Session 1 09:00-12:50 / Session 2 14:00-17:50
Inquiry • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-31-708-7485
Scale Capacity
Parking facility Parking Fee Available
Stroller rental Pets allowed
Address 35, Junganggongwon-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do

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Brief Training Courses:Former national athlete instructors available Rental Fees:Non-Members: Adult 5,500 won / Middle & High school students 5,000 won / Children 4,000 won
Members: Adult 4,500 won / Middle & High school students 4,000 won / Children 3,500 won Subsidiary Facilities:Consultation room, studio, snack corner, locker room, etc.


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