Gapyeong Rail Park (가평레일파크)

Korea Leisure & Sports

Gapyeong Rail Park (가평레일파크)

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The railbike tour departing from Gapyeong Rail Park passes through Gapyeongcheon Stream Iron Bridge, Bukhanggang Iron Bridge and Zelkova Tree Tunnel before turning back to Gapyeong Rail Park. This route is featured in the Korean film "The Letter (1997)," and thus loved by both couples and photographers looking to capture some beautiful scenes along the old railroad track. Visitors can enjoy the beautiful river view while getting some light exercise with loved ones.
Open period Hours of use
Admission fees Age available for experience Online reservations accepted
Off day * First session begins from 09:00 (available in one hour 30 minute intervals)
* Operating hours vary by season. Please refer to the website before visiting.
* Schedule is subject to change due to on-site situation. Please check in advance.
Inquiry • 1330 Korea Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-31-582-7788
Scale Capacity
Parking facility Parking Fee
Stroller rental Pets allowed
Address 14, Jangteo-gil, Gapyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do

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Tourism Course:Gapyeong Rail Bike (Rail Park) Station → Gyeonggang Station (Rest) → Gapyeong Rail Bike (Rail Park) Station Rental Fees:2 person bike 25,000 won / 4 person bike 35,000 won


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