Daegu Stadium (대구스타디움)

Korea Leisure & Sports

Daegu Stadium (대구스타디움)

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Daegu Stadium is a sports stadium located in Daeheung-dong, Suseong-gu in Daegu. Construction of the stadium began on July 28, 1997 and was completed on May 20, 2001. Its roof is designed to resemble a globe, incorporating the beautiful curves found in the roofs of traditional Korean houses.

The stadium seats approximately 66,000 people and is suitable for hosting large-scale international sports games and 74% of the seats are protected by a Teflon-coated overhang. The 47,407 square meter stadium has three stories below ground and three above ground floors and is built on a 512,479 square meters of land just 9 kilometers southeast of the city’s downtown area.

Stadium facilities include a gymnasium, baseball field, indoor ice rink, horseback riding track, tennis court, fitness center, shooting range, archery range, skateboard park, and an indoor jogging course. There are smaller buildings for taekwondo, judo, and rock climbing.

Daegu Stadium has hosted a number of 2002 FIFA World Cup matches; Senegal vs. Denmark (June 6), Slovenia vs. South Africa (June 8), Korea vs. U.S.A. (June 10) and Korea vs. Republic of Turkiye (June 29).
Open period Hours of use
Admission fees Age available for experience
Off day Inquiry • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-53-803-8300
Scale Capacity
Parking facility Parking Fee Available
Stroller rental Pets allowed
Address 180, Universiad-ro, Suseong-gu, Daegu504

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Main Facilities:Subsidary stadium, subsidary buildings, heliport, parking lot, snack bar, open-air concert hall, in-line skating rink, etc.


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