쌀떡과 밀떡인데요, 쌀떡은 찰기가 많아 훨씬 쫀득쫀득하며 밀떡은 잘 불지 않고 매끈매끈한 느낌입니다.

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Korean Tourism Glossary

쌀떡과 밀떡인데요, 쌀떡은 찰기가 많아 훨씬 쫀득쫀득하며 밀떡은 잘 불지 않고 매끈매끈한 느낌입니다.

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Korean 쌀떡과 밀떡인데요, 쌀떡은 찰기가 많아 훨씬 쫀득쫀득하며 밀떡은 잘 불지 않고 매끈매끈한 느낌입니다.
English One is a rice cake made from rice, and the other is wheat flour rice cake, the former is much more glutinous and thus has chewy texture, and the latter is not stickier and thus has slippery texture.
Japanese 1 餅米の餅と小麦粉の餅なんですが、餅米はコシがあってモチモチしていて、小麦粉は余りふやけずにツルツルしています。
Japanese 2
Chinese 1 它们就是米糕和麦糕,米糕黏性好,口感更筋道,麦糕不易泡发,给人光滑的感觉。
Chinese 2 分別是用米和用麵粉製成的年糕,使用米製成的年糕更加彈牙有嚼勁,而使用麵粉製成的年糕則不容易煮爛、比較Q彈。
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