Ganghwado Jejeokbong Peace Observatory (강화도제적봉 평화전망대 )

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Ganghwado Jejeokbong Peace Observatory (강화도제적봉 평화전망대 )

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Ganghwado Jejeokbong Peace Observatory was constructed in the northern area of the Civilian Restricted Zone in Cheolsan-ri, Yangsa-myeon. Entry to this area was strictly prohibited to the general public until 2008. The observatory allows visitors to take a closer look at the natural beauty the lies beyond the northern border. The observatory consists of four floors. The basement and fourth floor are used by the military; the first floor sells regional produce from Ganghwado Island and specialty products from North Korea, and the second and third floors make up the audio-visual rooms with materials related to North Korea and an observatory where one can observe the Northern territory from afar.
Day off N/A (Open all year round) Opening day
Experience guide Security tour Age of use
Hours of use December-February 09:00-17:00
March-November 09:00-18:00
* Last ticketing is 1 hr before closing
* Operating hours subject to change
Ask • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-32-930-7062
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Parking lot Available When should you use it?
Stroller rental none Pet none
Address 797, Jeonmangdae-ro, Ganghwa-gun, Incheon

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Parking Fees:Free Facility Utilization Fees:Telescope: 500 won for 2 min Admission Fees:Individuals - Adults 2,500 won / Teenagers 1,700 won / Children 1,000 won
Groups - Adults 2,200 won / Teenagers 1,500 won / Children 800 won Restrooms:Available Available Facilities:1F: Administration office, specialty store, restaurant, restrooms
2F: Exhibition room, audio-visual room
3F: Audio-visual room, outdoor observatory
B1, 4F: Military facilities (restricted)
Outside: Memorial statue

* All visitors must pass through security inspection with a valid ID before entering the observatory. Interpretation Services Offered:Observatory-related video available in English, Japanese, and Chinese upon request
* Exhibition Hall offers exhibition guides in English, Japanese and Chinese with QR code access

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