Dongincheon Samchi Street (동인천 삼치거리)

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Dongincheon Samchi Street (동인천 삼치거리)

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Dongincheon Samchi Street is located in front of Dongincheon Station in an alley to the side of Incheon Educational and Cultural Center for Students. The street became connected samchi, or grilled seerfish, over 40 years ago with the opening House of Inha, a home-style restaurant. Originally, the street was not known for samchi, but it became one of the most popular menus at the restuarant, with many other shops in the area following in this trend. In 2002, it was designated as the grilled seerfish street and a signboard was put up at the street entrance. Currently, there are about a dozen grilled seerfish restaurants lining the street, and each restaurant has a unique signboard of its own. The fish are imported from New Zealand, and each restaurant offers a distinct taste resulting from different grilling methods and sauces. The restaurants also sell a variety of appetizers and side dishes at affordable prices.
Day off Varies by shop Opening day
Experience guide Age of use Open to visitors of all ages
Hours of use Varies by shop Ask • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-32-832-3031
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Address 57, Uhyeon-ro 67beon-gil, Jung-gu, Incheon

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