Daecheongdo Island (대청도)

Korea Tourist Attractions

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Daecheongdo Island (대청도)

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Daecheongdo Island, with an area of 12.7 square kilometers and 24.7 kilometers in length, houses a little over 1,000 citizens. The island is located 202 kilometers northwest of Incheon and is known for fishing. With most of the villagers being fishermen, the whole island is one large fishing area. The island is also known for clean air and various tourist attractions.
Day off N/A (Open all year round) Opening day
Experience guide Sea water fishing, waterside fishing, clay specialty shops, watching sunrise and sunset, etc. Age of use
Hours of use Ask • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-32-899-3610
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Parking lot When should you use it?
Stroller rental none Pet none
Address Daecheong-myeon, Ongjin-gun, Incheon

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Hiking Course:* Daecheong-myeon Office – Samgaksan Mountain Peak (8 km, 1 hr 50 min)
* Gwangnandu Pavilion – Samgaksan Mountain Peak (5 km, 1 hr 30 min)
* Camellia Tree Habitat – Maebawi Observatory - Samgaksan Mountain Peak (7 km, 1 hr 40 min)
* Goju-dong – Samgaksan Mountain Peak (5 km, 1 hr 30 min)
* Tap-dong Ferry dock - Bunbawi Rock – Lighthouse (12 km, 3 hr) Tour Course Information:[Island Tour 2-day course]

Seonjipo Ferry Dock – Tap-dong Seaside walking path – Sand desert – Nongyeo Beach – Camellia Tree Habitat – Jiduri Beach – Seopungbaji – Haeneomi Observatory
Tap-dong Ferry Dock – Bunbawi Rock – Lighthouse

Island Attractions
Waterside fishing, Satan-dong beach, Seonjin-dong dock, Okjuk-dong coast, Jiduri coast and many more Restrooms:Available Available Facilities:Accommodations, camping area, restaurants, etc.

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