Byeokgyegyegok (Chalbi) Valley (벽계(찰비)계곡)

Korea Tourist Attractions

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Byeokgyegyegok (Chalbi) Valley (벽계(찰비)계곡)

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Byeokgyegyegok Valley in Uiryeong, Gyeongnam region begins at Jagulsan Mountain and runs down along Hanusan Mountain, showcasing deep valleys and interesting rock formations. Also called Chalbigyegok Valley, the valley has clean water flowing all year round. The valley’s stream from the waterfall creates big and small ponds along its way, most famous among which are Gaksiso and Nongso ponds.

The biggest draw of this attraction is the crystal clear pond waters that are clean enough to reflect the surrounding forest like a natural mirror. Byeokgye Tourist Site and Byeokgye Reservoir located near the tail-end of the valley are growing into full-fledged tourist attractions for camping and fishing.
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Hours of use Ask • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-55-570-4958
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Address 201, Byeokgye-ro, Uiryeong-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do

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