Boryeong Beach Special Tourist Zone (보령 해수욕장 관광특구)

Korea Tourist Attractions

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Boryeong Beach Special Tourist Zone (보령 해수욕장 관광특구)

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The Boryeong Beach Special Tourist Zone consists of three major attractions: Daecheon Beach, Muchangpo Beach and Jukdo Island.

The 3.5-kilometer-long, 100-meter-wide Daecheon Beach is popular as the main venue for the annual Boryeong Mud Festival, which attracts about 2 million domestic and international tourists every year. The soft, white sand and lush pine trees also make this an ideal beach to visit for a walk. Various accommodations can easily be found here since the area has been a popular tourist destination for quite some time.

Located south of Daecheon Beach, Muchangpo Beach is where visitors can witness a sea-parting phenomenon in the summer. The 1.5-kilometer “Mystic Sea Road” between Muchangpo Beach and Seokdaedo Island reveals itself when the water levels go down due to the difference in the ebb and flow of the tides. During the sea parting, visitors will be able to catch clams, crabs and shellfish. The beach also offers a breathtaking view of the sunset.

Jukdo Island is located midway between Daecheon Beach and Muchangpo Beach. This unpopulated fishing island is known for its dense groves of bamboo trees. The waters in front of the island are clean and full of fish, drawing a large number of visitors for sea fishing.
Day off Opening day
Experience guide Age of use
Hours of use Ask • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• More info: +82-41-932-2023
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Parking lot Available (29 parking lots around the tourist zone) When should you use it?
Stroller rental none Pet none
Address Boryeong-si, Chungcheongnam-do

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Restrooms:Available Available Facilities:Tourist information center, interpretation center, amusement park, ferry tour, family hotel, souvenir shop, etc. Interpretation Services Offered:- Brochures available (English, Chinese)
- Interpretation services available during festival period

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