Danyang Jeokseongbi Monument of Silla (단양 신라 적성비)

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Danyang Jeokseongbi Monument of Silla (단양 신라 적성비)

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The Danyang Jeokseongbi Monument of Silla was erected by King Jinheung, the 24th King of Silla Kingdom, as a public announcement board. It was found at Jeokseongsanseong Fortress in Danyang in 1978.

The stone stele is broken into three parts: the two lower pieces are inscribed with 280 letters, which spell out the names of people, locations and positions from the Silla Kingdom period, whereas, the top piece has 100 letters which are mostly destroyed. The discovery of the monument helped illuminate political development and statuses of the time.
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(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-43-422-1146
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Address Habang 3-gil, Danyang-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do

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