Chimyeongjasan Holy Ground (치명자산성지)

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Chimyeongjasan Holy Ground (치명자산성지)

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Chimyeongjasan is a sacred site for those of the Catholic faith and a famous pilgrimage attraction in the southeastern region of Jeonju. Perched upon a steep ridge of Seungamsan Mountain behind Hanbyeokdang Pavilion, the area is the final resting place of well-known Catholic couple Yu Jung-cheol (John), Yi Sun-I (Rugalda), who vowed to remained virgins for all eternity. Situated upon the couple’s grave is “Miracle Rock,” a naturally formed rock that is said to be shaped like Jesus and the Virgin Mary. The site is also home to a 4-meter-high stone cross that can be seen from as far away as Hanbyeokdang Pavilion.

The 200-meter prayer hike named “The Golgotha Way of the Cross” is one of the most popular pilgrimage routes for Catholics visiting the mountain area. Leading up from the parking lot and Monmartre Square (rest place), the entire path to the summit is strewn with flowers, making the prayer walk an ideal place for a stroll and some quiet meditation.
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(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-63-285-5755
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Address 89, Baramssoeneun-gil, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do

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Available Facilities:Church, square, cemetery, walking trails, etc.

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