경주 석굴암 [유네스코 세계문화유산]

Korea Tourist Attractions(Korean)

경주 석굴암 [유네스코 세계문화유산]

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Seokguram Grotto (National Treasure) is said to have been founded by Kim Dae-seong, the prime minister at the time, in the 10th year of the reign of King Gyeongdeok of Silla. The structure of Seokguram Grotto, which is located 3km from Bulguksa Temple by hiking trail up the ridge or 9km by road, is a harmony of squares and circles, straight lines and curves, and planes and spheres. In particular, each of the 38 figures carved around the wall is a masterpiece. There is nothing that is not like this, and the overall harmony shows a high degree of philosophy and scientific aspects, and in the center, the main Buddha of the white granite seated Buddha overlooks the East Sea. The gaze of the seated Tathagata statue is directed towards Daewangam Hermitage in front of Bonggil-ri, the underwater royal tomb of King Munmu. The site of Gameunsa Temple, which protects the underwater king, and Igyeondae, where King Munmu is said to have become a dragon, are located on the coast near Daewangam. Bulguksa Temple and Seokguram Grotto were officially designated and protected as UNESCO World Heritage Sites along with Haeinsa Tripitaka Koreana and Jongmyo Shrine on December 6, 1995.

* Tohamsan Mountain *

Tohamsan Mountain ( 745m) is a sacred mountain with the spirit of the Silla people and is also called Dongak. It is one of the five famous mountains of Silla and has been a sacred place for Buddhism since ancient times. There are so many relics and ruins that the entire mountain seems to be a single historical site. also. It is covered with pine and oak forests and has dense greenery. If you go up the mountain path east from Bulguksa Temple, you will see Seokgulam Grotto. This mountain path was used by tourists before the road that runs along the mountainside was opened. Before the 1960s, students on field trips walked up and down this mountain path. The meaning of the name Tohamsan is that this mountain is located close to the sea, so it is often foggy, and it expresses the appearance of the mountain breathing in and spitting out the fog that comes in from the sea.

* Sunrise at Seokguram Grotto *

This refers to the sun rising in the East Sea as seen from Seokguram Grotto. As the red sun rises over the horizon in the distance, the red sky and sea are spectacular. After watching the sunrise at Seokguram Grotto, Seokjang-ro, which goes directly from Tohamsan Mountain to the east coast, was opened in 1998, allowing you to easily go to the coastal waters of Gampo and Yangbuk, so you can enjoy raw fish that boasts the taste of the cleanest sea in the country and tour Gameunsa Temple Site and the Tomb of King Munmu. It becomes an even more wonderful trip. On the way back, it would be even better to do some shopping and sightseeing at the Folk Craft Village and stop by Bomun Tourist Complex.
쉬는날 연중무휴 개장일 -
체험안내 체험가능연령 -
이용시간 주중 : 09:00 ~ 18:00
주말 및 공휴일 : 08:00 ~ 18:00
※ 연중무휴
※ 반려견 입장 금지
문의및안내 054-746-9933
유산구분 세계 문화 유산 수용인원 -
주차시설 있음 이용시기 -
유모차대여 없음 애완동물동반 불가
신용카드 없음 출처 한국관광공사
주소 경상북도 경주시 불국로 873-243(진현동)   Google map

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  • 식당
  • 숙박
  • 약국
  • 주유소
  • 카페
  • 편의점

Parking fee: Passenger car (under 1,000cc) 1,000 won

Mid-size car (over 1,000cc) 2,000 won

Large vehicle (bus) 4,000 won
Restroom: Available
Admission Fee:* Individual

- Adults (19 to 64 years old): 6,000 won

- Youth/Student/Soldier (13 to 18 years old): 4,000 won

- Children (8 to 12 years old): 3,000 won

* Group (more than 20 people)

- Youth/Student/Soldier (13 to 18 years old): 3,500 won

- Children (8 to 12 years old): 2,500 won

- Children under 7 years old: 2,000 won for 10 or more people, free for less than 10 people

※ Adult: Age 19 or older. Group rates do not apply.

※ Youth and military: 13 to 18 years old / excluding sergeants and above (excluding foreign soldiers)
Foreign language information service: Cultural interpreter guidance (visit after prior application)
Korean information service: Cultural interpreter guidance (visit after prior application)
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