국립 방장산자연휴양림

Korea Tourist Attractions(Korean)

국립 방장산자연휴양림

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Bangjangsan Mountain, which rises on the border of Jangseong in Jeollanam-do and Gochang and Jeongeup in Jeollabuk-do, is the highest peak among the ridges extending along the western stem of Naejangsan Mountain. Along with Jiri Mountain and Mudeung Mountain, it has been revered as one of the three sacred mountains of the Honam region, and despite having nearby famous mountains such as Naejang Mountain, Baekam Mountain, and Seonun Mountain, it shows a stately presence that has never been suppressed. Just as Jiri Mountain is called Bangjangsan Mountain, this name, which is only given to mysterious mountains where gods seem to live, is said to have been given by scholars of the Joseon Dynasty who revered the Ming Dynasty, which fell to the Qing Dynasty, because it resembles Bangjangsan Mountain, one of the three sacred mountains of China. It was called Bangdeungsan until the Joseon Dynasty, and Bangdeungsanga, a Baekje song, was written using this mountain as the stage. A long time ago, a group of thieves hiding in Bangdeungsan Mountain kidnapped a woman. She desperately waited for her husband to save her, but when he did not show up, she cried and sang a song called Bangsan Mountain Mountain.

The Bangjangsan Natural Recreation Forest is located halfway up Bangjangsan Mountain. Opened on July 1, 2000, the Western Regional Forest Management Office (located in Namwon, Jeollabuk-do) operates Sunchang Hoemunsan Natural Recreation Forest, Muju Deogyusan Natural Recreation Forest, Jinan Unjangsan Natural Recreation Forest, Jangheung Cheongwansan Natural Recreation Forest, Hamyang Jirisan Natural Recreation Forest, and Namhae Cypress Natural Recreation Forest. Together, we manage Bangjangsan Recreational Forest. There are many oak trees, pine trees, cypress trees, larch trees, and pine trees growing in the recreation forest. If you follow the forest road toward Gochang, you will reach Byeokobong Peak (640m) and the ridge in the middle of Gochang Hill. From here, you can overlook Gochang town and the West Sea. If you pass Gochang Pass and go a little further toward Jangseong Galjae, you will reach the summit of Bangjangsan Mountain. It takes 3 hours for a round trip from the recreational forest to the summit, and there is a mountain path that leads straight down to Seokjeong Hot Springs. When you climb the main ridge, you can feel the cool breeze blowing from the West Sea, which is why paragliding enthusiasts often visit this place.

* Height - (733.6m)
* Area - 674 ha
쉬는날 매주 화요일 개장일 2000년 6월 30일
체험안내 [숲 해설프로그램]
숲 탐방로를 따라 산책하며 나무의 이름, 쓰임새, 얽힌 이야기를 듣고 직접 만지고 느낌으로써 자연과의 친화도를 높이는 프로그램

휴양림을 찾아 주시는 고객에게 친숙한 나무를 이용하여 가족단위의 휴양객들이 직접 집에서 필요한 나무목걸이, 우드버닝 문패, 밀랍양초, 생태미술, 편백비누만들기등을 만들 수 있는 기회를 줌으로써 보다 다양한 체험활동과 만족을 주는 프로그램
[숲에서 놀며 배우며(유아숲체험원)]유아숲체험원 내 계절마다 달라지는 숲 속의 아름다움과 자연자원, 동식물의 생태를 알아보는 프로그램[수풀노리(산림교육인증 프로그램)]오감을 활용한 나무의 특성파악과 자연물을 이용한 창작활동으로 지속가능한 자원활용을 경험해볼수있다
체험가능연령 -
이용시간 09:00~18:00 문의및안내 방장산자연휴양림 061-394-5523고객지원센터 1588-3250
유산구분 수용인원 최대 500명/일, 최적 300명/일
주차시설 있음 이용시기 -
유모차대여 없음 애완동물동반 불가
신용카드 없음 출처 한국관광공사
주소 전라남도 장성군 북이면 방장로 353(북이면)   Google map

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내현재위치를 사용하시는 분은 본 내용에 대해서 충분히 숙지하고 동의함으로 간주합니다.
PC에서는 위치가 정확하지 않을 수 있습니다.

* 파란색 선을 따라서 클릭하시면 보시고 싶은 로드뷰를 쉽게 보실 수 있습니다.


  • 식당
  • 숙박
  • 약국
  • 주유소
  • 카페
  • 편의점

Available facilities: Camping ground, seminar room, children's playground, forest trail, etc.
Parking fee: Small 1,500 won / Small 3,000 won / Medium 5,000 won
Admission fee: Adults (19-64 years old) - Individual 1,000 won / Group (20 people or more) 800 won

Youth (7-18 years old) - Individual 600 won / Group 500 won

Children (up to 6 years old) - Individual 300 won / Group 200 won

※ Entrance fee is waived during the winter season (December to March) (including when using the campsite. However, for natural recreation forests located on Jeju Island, an entrance fee is charged)
Restroom: Available
Reservation information for Koreans: null
Korean information service: Forest commentary available
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